
What are the best and worst days to trade forex?

Forex trading is a 24-hour, five day a week marketplace, meaning that people can trade currencies at any time. However, just because the market is open doesn’t mean that it’s always the best time to trade. Knowing the best and worst days to trade forex can make a big difference in your profitability in the […]

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What is the hardest part about day trading?

Day trading is a challenging profession and requires a lot of effort and dedication to succeed. In this article, we are going to discuss the hardest part of day trading, the challenges, and how to overcome them. 1. Market Volatility The first and perhaps most challenging part of day trading is dealing with market volatility. […]

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What Is Forex God?

In the realm of forex trading, where fortunes are made and lost with the rise and fall of currency pairs, a select group of individuals stand out as legends. They are often referred to as “Forex Gods.” These individuals have not only mastered the intricate art of trading but have also achieved remarkable success and […]

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Why 95% of day traders lose money?

Why 95% of day traders lose money?

Day trading has become a popular way to make a quick profit in the stock market. With the advent of the internet and the availability of online trading platforms, anyone with a computer and an internet connection can try their luck at day trading. However, statistics show that 95% of day traders end up losing […]

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What’s the hardest mistake to avoid while trading?

What's the hardest mistake to avoid while trading?

Trading can be a lucrative opportunity for those looking for financial freedom but it can also be a high risk endeavor. The potential for profit is high but so is the risk of making mistakes while trading. While there are many common mistakes that traders make, there is one particular mistake that stands out as […]

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How do you not fail in day trading?

How do you not fail in day trading?

Day trading can be a highly lucrative and exciting form of investing, but it can also be incredibly risky and time-consuming. Learning how to not fail in day trading takes discipline, strategy, and patience. To help you navigate the world of day trading, we’ve put together this expert guide on what it takes to succeed. […]

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How to learn day trading as a complete beginner?

How do to learn day trading as a complete beginner?

Day trading is a form of trading where traders buy and sell financial assets within the same trading day. Unlike other forms of trading, day trading requires traders to have excellent knowledge, skills, and strategies to make profits. Day traders are always looking for market opportunities that would yield maximum profits in a short period. […]

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Which time is most profitable to day trade?

Which time is most profitable to day trade?

Day trading has become one of the most popular strategies to make money in the financial markets. It involves buying and selling financial instruments, such as stocks, currencies, or commodities, within the same trading day to make profits from small price movements. However, day trading can be risky and requires a thorough understanding of the […]

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How to start day trading with little money?

How to start day trading with little money?

Day trading, the act of buying and selling stocks within the same trading day, can be an exciting way to make money in the stock market. However, it can also be a risky venture, especially if you do not have a lot of money to start with. But fear not, as it is possible to […]

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Who is the world biggest day trader?

Who is the world biggest day trader?

Day trading is a popular form of trading in which traders buy and sell financial instruments within the same trading day. While many traders engage in day trading, some individuals have established themselves as the world’s most successful and prominent day traders. In this article, we will explore who the world’s biggest day trader is […]

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